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Bugju1c3's Blog

""Make ur hair so big its like a wig!""
15 years old
United States
Last Login: 1624861916000
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All Blogs (7/10)

Talking About Myself <33

I'm gonna start writing here as a sort of diary so that you guys can get to know meh better x3 Anywayz I got really excited 2day, like I had to physically calm myself down lolol About 2 months ago I asked my Parentz if I could get snake bitez 4 my 16th Birthday and they said YES!!!! LIKE WHAAA???!!?!??!?! Anywayz I literally had a dream last night about going and getting them pierced and I waz sooo disappointed when I woke up without them lolz BUT soon I will, My birthday is in like a month and I'm getting them THE day I turn 16 so I'll stay updated. Other than that there isn't much more going on, my best friendz are coming over for a few dayzz so that's exciting and overall I'm just in such a good mood and I hope you guys are too, and if you're not I hope you feel better soon and I'm sending all the positivity your way! Have a nice day guyz!!1

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0ther s0cial media links :)

Instagram: @xxtrinity.toxicityxx

(Theres not many posts yet becuz itz a new acc srry but ill be posting more!)

Snapchat: @octopus_blott

Tumblr: @Trinity-Toxicity

Plz consider following!!

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I'm a simp

Just thought i'd let ya'll know I would sell half my organs to meet Jennifer Tilly

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T3X4S SN0W!!1!11!!!!1111!!!

0mg!!!!111!!11!!1 1 l1ve 1n Texas and f0r the f1rst t1me 1 had a real sn0wball f1ght and 1t was s0 rad!!!111!!!1!! 1've always l1ved 1n Texas th0, s0 1 was N0T used t0 that c0ld ass sn0w!11!1 1 als0 g0t t0 bu1ld a real sn0wman 4nd sh0ved sn0w d0wn my dads' jacket l0l0l0l0l!!!1!!1111!!1 And 1 kn0w 1 pr0bably s0und l1ke a l1ttle k1d r1ght n0w be1ng s0 hyped up ab0ut sn0w but 1t was just such a n1ce fam1ly mem0ry just l1ke 1n the m0v1es!!!111!!1!1!1 Als0 the sn0w came at just the r1ght t1me because 1'm t4k1ng ph0t0gr4phy cl4ss th1s semester and 1t hasn't sn0wed l1ke th1s s1nce 1 was three!!!!111!!11 (1'm 15 btw) S0 1 g0t t0 take a bunch 0f p1ctures f0r my class!1!1!!1!111!!1 0verall an amaz1ng n1ght and 1 h0pe every0ne wh0 had a n0t s0 great Chr1stmas can read th1s and kn0w that 1 w1sh y0u th3 best and 1 h0pe y0u feel better s00n, L0ve y'all!!11!111!!!1!!1


Just 4 th0ught

1'v3 4lw4ys h4t3d th4t wh0l3 "k33p y0ur fr13nds cl0s3, but k33p y0ur 3n3m13s cl0s3r" bullsh1t. L1k3 y43h, m4yb3 th3 0utcom3 w1ll b3 g00d, but y0u'r3 g01ng t0 b3 m1s3r4bl3 th3 wh0l3 w4y t0 th3 0utcom3. T3ll m3, wh1l3 y0u'v3 b33n k33p1ng y0ur 3n3m13s cl0s3r h4v3 y0u ch3ck3d up 0n y0ur fr13nds? N0? Th4t's wh4t 1 m34n, 1f y0u w0rk sup3r h4rd t0 k33p y0ur 3n3m13s cl0s3r y0u'll 3v3ntu4lly l0s3 tr4ck 0f y0ur fr13nds 4ll t0g3th3r. S0 pl34s3, f0r th3 s4k3s 0f y0ur fr13ndsh1ps, f0rg3t ab0ut b3ing n1c3 t0 y0ur 3n3m13s s0 y0u c4n g3t b4ck 4t th3m, 4nd st4rt w0rk1ng 0n b3c0m1ng s0 cl0s3 w1th y0ur fr13nds th4t y0ur 3n3m13s c4n't 1nt3rf3r3. 1dk just 4 th0ught, 1 h0p3 y0u 4ll h4v3 4n 4m4z1ng n1ght 4nd pl34s3 st4y s4f3!!!!1!!1111!!!1l1l!l!

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Cr3d1ts f0r my 0ld CSS

My n3w b4ckgr0und us3s 4 CSS c0d3 th4t 1 f0und 0n llilywebskateboarder's p4ge!!11!1!11!1 G0 1t 0ut, sup3r r4d p4g3!!!1!1!!1!1

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1 alr34dy l0v3 1t h3r3 4nd 1 h4v3n't 3v3n h4d th3 d4mn s1t3 f0r 4 d4y!!!11!!1 1'm s0 gl4d w3 f1n4lly h4v3 4 (h0p3fully) s4f3 s1te just l1k3 0ld MySp4c3!11 3sp3cc14lly s1nc3 1'm 4 y0ung3r sc3n3/g0th k1d s0 1 d1dn't g3t t0 3xp3r13nc3 1t th3 f1rst t1m3 4r0und, just w4nt3d t0g3t th4t st4t3m3nt 0ut r34l qu1ck!!!11!1 1 h0p3 y0u 4ll h4v3 4 gr34t n1ght full 0f l00k1ng 4t p1cs 0f y0ur f4v3s!!11!!1!

Qu3st10n 0f th3 d4y: Wh1ch 1a b3tt3r, "Rawr XD" 0r "Rawr X3" comm3nt b3l0w!!!111!1!!1!111

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