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Bugju1c3's Blog

""Make ur hair so big its like a wig!""
15 years old
United States
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T3X4S SN0W!!1!11!!!!1111!!!

0mg!!!!111!!11!!1 1 l1ve 1n Texas and f0r the f1rst t1me 1 had a real sn0wball f1ght and 1t was s0 rad!!!111!!!1!! 1've always l1ved 1n Texas th0, s0 1 was N0T used t0 that c0ld ass sn0w!11!1 1 als0 g0t t0 bu1ld a real sn0wman 4nd sh0ved sn0w d0wn my dads' jacket l0l0l0l0l!!!1!!1111!!1 And 1 kn0w 1 pr0bably s0und l1ke a l1ttle k1d r1ght n0w be1ng s0 hyped up ab0ut sn0w but 1t was just such a n1ce fam1ly mem0ry just l1ke 1n the m0v1es!!!111!!1!1!1 Als0 the sn0w came at just the r1ght t1me because 1'm t4k1ng ph0t0gr4phy cl4ss th1s semester and 1t hasn't sn0wed l1ke th1s s1nce 1 was three!!!!111!!11 (1'm 15 btw) S0 1 g0t t0 take a bunch 0f p1ctures f0r my class!1!1!!1!111!!1 0verall an amaz1ng n1ght and 1 h0pe every0ne wh0 had a n0t s0 great Chr1stmas can read th1s and kn0w that 1 w1sh y0u th3 best and 1 h0pe y0u feel better s00n, L0ve y'all!!11!111!!!1!!1

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1v'e gone thr0ugh and ed1ted my bl0g p0st t0 make 1t eas1er t0 read f0r th0se 0f y0u wh0 c0uld n0t. Th1s 1s s1mply a way 1 enj0y t0 wr1te and 1s n0t meant t0 genu1nely c0nfuse any0ne, 1 h0pe th1s has made 1t a b1t eas1er.

Guide: 1=i/I and 0=o/O


Yes yes texas snow, I cannot understand this paragraph
