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osuchna's Blog

"let me have fun and forget"
101 years old
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life update and a bunch of storeis!!!

hi guys!!! sry i haven't been on much :c i have a ton of school stuff and tbh i kinda forgot abt this but i don't jwant to forget any of my new friends i have on here ^^
if u read this ur super swag and cool!!
my life is kinda busy rn because i'm in Europe and i'm going back to AMerica soon, i don't want to go a lot but I guess I have to
and all my friends are back there where i live most of the time and i really miss them
anyway my flight is this saturday so yea i'll be back in the us soon
i reallllyyy hope i can see my friends soon and go back to school in person cause i havent seen them in months :c

anyway, in other news, i really really love my gf. like a lot a lot. this is just me pining but um she's really wonderful and sweet and pretty and amazing. i literally love every single thing abt her and idk if i could tell her bc we have only been dating for like a month.
actually we've known each other for like 3 or 4 years and i had a crush on her for so long i just imagined all the times she could be my gf and now i really wanna be all physically affectionate but idk if she's completely comfortable with that and with everything i want to tell her yet so i'm gonna take it slow so i don't overwhelm her ya know?
but for now i'm fine just writing it down here :) um i showed her this website once but i don't think she checks it like ever again so i'm sure she won't read this.

anyway yea she does live in the us ofc so that's the main reason i'm exicited to go back. i want to see her really really really bad. anddd yea

OH um something really cool is that this semester of school i'm taking this class and it gives me a period off before it, so i have like an hour and 30 minutes pause in between these two classes. my gf has the same class so we were talking abt how we could go places during our pause and just like hang out and tbh that thought is relaly keeping me going rn
like i want to do that so bad

ohh also i want to take her on a date but idk where. like ok there are some places i can think of, she really lvoes plants so maybe like a greenhouse or something? or a bookstore? or a picnic? like all those things sound like great date ideas for me. but tbh i'm not that obsessed with dates, like honestly just seeing her a couple times a week for a few hours is enough for me.
idk if she likes "traditional" dates or anything tho o-o i might ask but eh i'll probably wait until i'm back

also also, while I was here in europe i may have bouht her a ring. i kind of wanted it to be like a promise ring but then i read that promise rings should be given after like a year of dating and it represents a serious relationship. i mean i know i could change the context if i wanted to but it was intended to be a promise ring so i won't.
tbh i am already prepared to invest myself into this relationship and i really want it to last, and i want to show her that i'm serious about it and i love her a lot and i'm ready for the commitment.
but like i said earlier i think she's more used to taking it slow, so for now i'll keep the ring somehwere in my room lol and wait to give it to her.
if i push too hard to fast i might push her away and i would never ever want to do that.

also it's kind of a cheap ring. like it's not expensive at all but tbh, i don't care at all abt that stuff. like obviously this is far off, but if i ever get married i literally wouldn't care if it was like part of an old fence shaped into a ring shape. you know i just think it's really silly to worry about how expensive the ring is and if the diamonds are real and all that. like it's judst a ring, i think the actual importance of the relationship is more important than what kind of ring it is.
idk what my gf thinks about it though so i'll have to ask her one day.
not that i'm planning to marry her yet, i mean we've only been dating for like a month but well... if i said i haven't thought of our future together... that would be a lie.

i can't wait until we're all comfortable being affectionatte and stuff like that :> it's going to be

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