lol did you think that I had something important to say? you're wrong if you did. I don't have anything to say! I don't even have a brain, My brain is at the bottom of the ocean. Somewhere there is most likely some animal that we will never know about just munching away at it. that's reality, huh? some mutant, ugly, mushy, animal eating away at the toxins that we've poured into the ocean. I have Grammarly installed onto my computer and it says that this blurb of words sounds 'inspirational'. is it? is that the question? or the answer? maybe it's the problem? or the solution? the world may never know. there are many things we don't know. like where did space come from? or what meal you're going to have next. I don't have the answers to that. I'm sorry. maybe ask Siri? hey Siri, set a timer for thirty seconds. hey Siri, how many meters are in a kilometer? maybe if you actually paid attention in class, then maybe you wouldn't be writing this right now. right โธฎแดสo๊ you really are stupid. maybe then you could actually know wtf a slope is. maybe then, you would know the circumference of a triangle. maybe then, you would know what's inside a frog. stupid me. trying to make it look like I'm working. it really is dumb, isn't it? why do I need to know this? how is it going to help me get a degree in psychology? what the fuck.
33000emails | 1614908284000 is everything jf ok? |
selena | 1614903855000 ikr |
shoeman | 1614852197000 your going bananas son! |
vanessa | 1614816821000 is everything okay |