"on the quest for [ the funny ]" Doge
13 years old
United States
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funny extraordinaire
hey im really cool? like yeahh dude im fucking epic. fuck kyle andrews that skater little shit thinks he's sooo cool cause his mom got him windows XD well guess fucking what here i am still stuck on windows 93 editioN (more like 93 errors) yeah kyle you know your a dirty little skater fuck hanging out with fucking rodney yeah fuck you rodney you put a bag of piss in my locker and when i told the teacher they thought i did it and gave me detention! ! ! WTF?!?!?!
/rant over
ok so sorry for the tangent but im zorgbravle. i have a website and am super cool and my friends like me i think
the person who owns [ the funny ]
hello death_by_penis