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"rest well, it's all over now, if not soon." Bot
9 years old
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oh, this is a work in progress... my apologies...
[||] : Not even working on this page as of now, a little too busy to.
its good to see u!!! how have you been :D i see you found mister william, too...
hi charlie :D
I-ve been decent...Some days are bad b-but some luckily are a-awesome!!
I-indeed! H-how are y-you?
Y-your Charlie? I t-think..
but you soon will,,,
no, im just a fan i guess you could say :>
You don't, of course!
I just have my fun trying to give you the illusion that you actually have the power to do something!
Is that so?
Then, do you prefer the "version" of me that choked you to death in the back alley of the restaurant, hm?
Oh, of course! Aren't we friends, Charlie dear?
Don't you remember how many drawings you've given me as a child, how many times you had to come to me so that someone could listen to you talk because your father was too busy to?
I remember that as if it were yesterday - I guess that all vanished.
Oh, well, too bad! Maybe, this is the equivalent of the emo angsty teenager phase you never got to have?
You're right, why would I interact with you after all I've done, after so many years?
Because I know that you tremble before me, still - it may not be as bad as it was before, but I know you're still the scared little girl in the back of the restaurant, whose eyes lost every little speck of the light of peaceful childhood, as soon as I put my hand around her throat!
Moreover, it'd be rude to not even say "hello" to an old friend!
What outcome? The only outcome I can see is my victory, my triumph over you lot -
I won the second I've set my mind to the goal of immortality - and you just keep losing.
All of you.
We're being harsh today, eh?
I've found my peace... my peace lies in my "sick deeds", how can you not see it?!
Go on if you please, remind me of everything I've done, describe it in great detail - it will simply make me laugh, it will make me feel alive once more!
And I don't get how you can't understand me - I've explained myself times and times again, haven't I?
Was I not clear enough... or do you simply not want to listen?
I'm still here as an eternal reminder of your failures... you couldn't even protect yourself against me - yours might've been the easiest kill, Charlie! The others at least tried to bite me, but you? You just cried, cried, and then went limp. Torment, you say? I'm bringing something interesting to this world... I've brought immortality, I've brought proof that spirits exist, and "God" does not! I have become a God myself!
It should've been my end, yes... too bad it wasn't! Oh, that isn't my fault - moving on is your choice and your choice only... you haven't moved on because you never wanted to. Grow up, Charlie!-- oh wait - you can't!
Oh, are you giving me the silent treatment, now?
But - we've been together for years now, Charlie - are you really going to give me the cold shoulder?
Oh well...!
Guess that means I won't have to hear your whines about justice anymore!4
But, what a shame... I'll truly miss your cute little arguments on how deplorable I am..!
Deplorable - I've only been called that a few times!
Oh, but come on, don't you know that morality is purely subjective?
It's literally made up by humans, by society, and it changes from place to place - what you find horrible, Charlie dear, is what I find fun and more than acceptable!
So... although I might be "disgusting" by your standards - and remember, all of your naive takes are coming from a place of seeking vengeance, and may I add, for no reason! - by mine and all of my subordinates in my little cult, it's perfectly fine! No matter how many insults you throw at me, I'll cut right through your words - funny, isn't it? You lot don't stand a chance against me physically, it's laughable that even in an argument you can't be a decent opponent!
The names Zipper. and my ties with him? I basically just got into a fight with him over the internet. I fuckin' hate that bastard!
Oh, you're really this naive? I actually thought you were much, much smarter than this - the madness never stopped, not even for a second! As long as I'm still here - and, trust me, it will be a very, very long time - none of you will be free: why? Because you CHOOSE so!
If only you weren't so blind to actually think you can "save everyone", then you'd be able to see that it's bringing you nowhere. I came back, and I always will - You can't win me, wake up, Charlie! That's why you should give up - have a bit of dignity... you surely didn't have it when you died, but maybe, you can find some now! Admit defeat, and leave this all to me... after all, who cares about a few kids? Only you do - and it's laughable: you were a nuisance when you're alive, and you're still a nuisance, even in death!
Ill? Oh, we're switching it up with the adjectives now, I see!
But it wasn't! I'm still here - and I'll always be. Give up!
I am very proud of my actions - how could I not be, after all?
I've achieved immortality, I've literally defied Death! I've become a God, at this point!
Does it haunt me? Ah, you see, for me to actually feel something like that, I'd have to have a little something called "empathy" - unfortunately, I don't have it! Well, unless you consider that time you guys followed me into the Safe-Room and scared me into putting on the Spring-Bonnie suit then no, I wouldn't consider it haunting!
What have I done? Oh, it's easy, you see - when I escaped from the Hell I was cast in by poor Cassidy, I took over a few people's minds and started a cult!
Isn't that amazing? I couldn't have accomplished this without you all, really - hadn't I gut you lot like a lamb, I wouldn't have been able to get Remnant and become immortal: so thank you, all of you!
Oh, no, no, dear, of course, I regret my actions! Listen, you might actually be the only one I regret killing! Want to know why? Because of your father, of course! I couldn't care less about you... you've always been such a nuisance! It was unbearable to even be in the same room as you - you were always crying in your father's chest! You deserved it - but poor Henry did not.
Don't you know I have a cult, now?
I don't think you'll be able to keep track of how many ankle-biters you're going to have to "save"!
Face the facts, I won! ... there's no stopping me now! I thought you lot learned that lesson the hard way!
Aw, you find me to be disgusting now? I still remember when you would call me "Uncle William"!
Time truly changes people, eh?
Poor Charlie, always thinking about other people, putting them first, being oh-so-empathetic!
You should thank me for taking you out before you could grow up, because trust me - with that way of thinking, you wouldn't have survived a day in the real world!
You hate me? Now, now, there's no need to be so aggressive, we're just having a little chat!
That's a silly question - to continue what I'm doing, of course!
We weren't talking about the others, were we? We're discussing you - and, moreover, I thought you knew my motives for the others! Would you like me to tell them to you again?
Well, half of it was me experimenting with Remnant, and the other half?
Fun! Just pure, pure fun!
You should've heard their screams, Charlie, you would have laughed as well...!
Does that answer satisfy you, hm?
Oh, I see - although it's been years, you still have the mental capacity and mentality of an eight-year-old. Why would I ever think you were mature enough to understand? Stupid, stupid William! -
It had to be done - if your father had decided to help me, instead, this wouldn't have happened. Blame him for all of this, what I did was nothing but take my revenge on him in the most efficient way.
i love this page so muchhhh and awesome mp3 :D
Thank you! I will tell you if I ever see them also.
Thank you heh. :) Have you seen Bonnie, Chica, or Foxy?
Hey!!😋 Do you like my new look? The shades are pretty good!
i mean i kinda forgot i existed after Some Things Happened aha
Oh, Charlie is this you? Haven't seen you in a while - you're not mad at me still, right...?
thankz 4 da add !1!!!1! i luvvv is css coding and its cool 2 see a FNAF fan <DD
Thanks 4 the add!