Hello Hello!!! Due to summer break I will be offline A LOT and will only be on when I go through my phone, I broke my personal lap top so I have been using my desktop but it's old and slow and sucks ass. I only have a few friends on here but I still wanna keep in-touch, msg me and I'll tell you my discord since I don't wanna share it anymore bc I have been getting and over whelming amount of request and I don't want people to think I'm ignoring them so if we usually talk everyday so I'll give you my discord!!! If you don't have discord I have my email bc I do check that a lot, if you have other ways of communication without sharing our numbers I would be happy to use it :) . Anyway I'll miss you all and will see you in two months. I will be online tomorro and 2 days after that I will be back online then I will stop being online except for when I check it every few weeks. So pls msg me if you want my discord and or email.
Anyway ,I love you all, b-bye!!
1 Commentchocolate milk is valid because chocolate already has milk in it. like a core flavor in milk chocolate is creamy milk. banana milk is also valid because bananas are rich and creamy, also white, like milk. any other flavor of milk (unless it's chocolate brownie, or peanut butter banana bc they're just extended chocolate/banana flavors). I WILL NEVER DRINK MANGO MILK, STRAWBERRY MILK, GRAPE MILK, SKITTLES FLAVOUR MILK??? BECAUSE I AM NOT A CRAZY BITCH. if you want STRAWBERRY MILK just FUCKING DRINK STRAWBERRY JUICE LIKE NOTHING IS STOPPING YOU?? GOD FUCKING DAMN LIKE WHAT IS YOUR ACTUAL PROBLEM WITH PUTTING ALL THIS DISGUSTING SHIT IN MILK. SEE IT'S NOT JUST MILK I BARELY UNDERSTAND STRAWBERRYS AND CREAM FLAVOURED DESSERTS BECAUSE IT'S JUST THE SOURNESS (NOT EVEN THE CREAMY ASPECT OF CREAM) PLUS THE NASTY TARTNESS OF THE STRAWBERRIES. NOT EVEN STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM IT'S JUST SOUR TART WHITE FUCK.
Edit - Everyone thinks this is my opinion its actually https://myspace.windows93.net/?id=37086 opinion, Its fine if you like strawberry milk personally I HATE MILK ITS RLLY FUCKING DISGUSTING! But yeah! <3