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Niko Bellic's Blog

43 years old
United States
Last Login: 1616411247000
Contacting Niko Bellic
All Blogs (5/10)

Who am i?

Well here is my real information
Real name: Dom B.
Birth date: dec 9 1998 (Yes i'm 21)
I used internet since: 2006
My favorite video game: Was Grand Theft Auto 4
My real friends: Ign B. (Animation.rig) Algird (Nafik) I can't say more here.
I had social media since 2008 but i don't want to share it
I have 3 pc's

  1. Compaq Presario SR1010Z (first pc)
    2.HP Envy 13
    3.HP EliteBook 840 (Main)
    That's all i can say
1 Comment

My first pc

Welcome to my blog, I will explain about my first pc
So i don't like it, It today sucks due to this

  • Supershit quality
  • Can't display all colors
  • No youtube
  • Not all sites supported (Just like NetScape)
  • 4 FPS on gaming
  • Can't upgrade to other system
  • bsod appears oftenly
    And that's the reasons
    This is my first screenshot of it (If you don't mind, the quality of a screenshot is too bad):
    Also here is more screenshots i tried last month (I used a diffrent screenshoter for better quality but it's same)

CSS List

Looking for CSS

But can't find one to program?
Use one of these ones instead

Feel free to use them. Other CSS Was uploaded by Animation.rig, Some css was made by Me (Niko)
This collection is not new anymore, But this collection contains some css that u may know.
This will mostly upgrade

  1. (Fixed bug) Windows 95 CSS: https://pastebin.com/yFyD70R8 [Originally recreated by animation.rig]
  2. Windows Longhorn https://pastebin.com/SPWHzvE1 [Copied by Niko]
  3. Rainbow background when start: https://pastebin.com/gVXYzS3X [by animation.rig]
  4. P()rn Hub Premium https://pastebin.com/BmFavg6y [By Niko]
  5. Blue profile https://pastebin.com/mXBCuYCB [By Niko]
  6. Dark Theme https://pastebin.com/EBQSq5ev [Copied by Niko]
  7. Green stripe theme (Not fully finished) https://pastebin.com/0DANqJA9 [By animation.rig]
  8. Windows XP https://pastebin.com/KzGhsz7A [By animation.rig]
  9. Cursed Matrix https://pastebin.com/czVjQv55 [By animation.rig]
  10. Black and white (WARNING! If your pc specs are not that good it can cause lag) https://pastebin.com/sNNiMuA6 [By animation.rig]
  11. fAcEShIt https://pastebin.com/i4BNfzJe [By NIko FoR stUpiDbOOOBS]
  12. Lounge https://pastebin.com/bJ5ugGv5 [Small copy by animation.rig]
  13. Windows 93 CSS https://pastebin.com/xW4a1L11 [Coded by Niko Bellic and posted by Niko
  14. Red Profile https://pastebin.com/vcfZhyc5 (Coded by Niko srlysly this time]

Profile errOrs

AnimaT10n.r16 fW1EndS arE MY ArMy I eRR0r PEoPLe aND i reAd hIM

AnimaT10n.r16 fW1EndS a7E MY ArMy I eRR0r Him aND i reAd peE0Aple

AnimaT10n.r16 fW1EndS arE MY EneMy I eRR0r tHeIr FieNds aND i reAd tHEm

RoBby fW1EndS arE MY ArMy I eRR0r thEm aND i reAd hIM

CarL JoHNSoN fW1EndS arE MY homiE I eRR0r GANgS aND i reAd hIM

wInDows Xp fW1EndS arE MY SYStEM I eRR0r ThE vIrUs To ANiMaTI0N.R16 aND i reAd vIruS lIsT

AnimaT10n.r16 fW1EndS arE THeiR gANg I eRR0r tHeIr tERRiTOry aND i reAd TheM

utf-16 fW1EndS arE MY bROOOOOS I eRR0r Css aND i reAd tHeM

ARK63 IS My Hater ANiMatIon.Rig cOpIES anD REads hIM

ark63 fwIENDs Are My bOWOmERs i sHiT hIm AnD diCK him

aNimaTiOn.Rig wOrkS For ME i rEaD eVeRYoNE aNd cOpY DEm fOR mY Css List To dIE

nIkO ANd aNimATioN.rIg haS 2008 fWiENds
TiM3 Tr4veling i5 no7 l9g4l i'M 5tUCK 1n TimE aNd 1 W1Ll L1V l0ng