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k3nmas.l0ver's Blog

""Code violet 2 east,Code violet 2 east""
101 years old
Last Login: 1620102519000
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Rant ab0ut sh00l trip in 2022

S0 in 2022 in german we are taking a trip in the summer but the sad thing is that it c0st ab0ut 4,600 d0ll0rs t0 g0 and my family d0snt have much m0ney but i really want t0 g0... i kn0w i have a wh0le year but my m0ther will think ab0ut n0w and h0w much m0ney we have. I als0 have never been 0n a plane s0 that's a little scary because I can get paran0id. I think i might ask my m0m t0 let me get a j0b when im 15 s0 i can start saving up f0r the trip because I turn 15 this year s0 thank g0sh t0 that! I really want t0 g0 and I h0pe my m0m will let me because it is a 10 day trip s0metime in june of 2022!

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eee i hope u get the money to go ! that sounds like an awesome experience!
