I just wanted to come on real quick and say thanks for all the adds.
Meeting and talking to all of you have really helped me opened up and has really kept me going.
Thank you all so much. If you haven't already, drink a glass of water, take a deep breath, and love yourself.
Life is to short to not.
For those of you who haven't added @OliverWalker, GO DO IT!!!!
He recently just posted his album on Bandcamp called " Candian Summer" and its so good!!
Here's his myspace: https://myspace.windows93.net/?id=71743
And here's his Bandcamp:https://oliverwalker64.bandcamp.com/album/canadian-summer
Its free so go give it a listen!
всего хорошего,
Thank you so much for 400+ fwiends!
I don't know how y'all found me, but it's nice to meet you!
I hope I'll get to chat with all you in the future!
всего хорошего!
Thank you all so much for 300 fwiends! I hope to meet you all at some point!
I hope everyone is well and healthy. Just a reminder, drink some water, have a snack, and make sure you've done your assignments!
всего хорошего!
5 Commentsпривет!
So I've heard so much stuff about both ranging from flirting with a 12-year-old to bullying. I'm not even going to get into hate pages cause that's a different post entirely.
But what happened? I'm genuinely asking out of curiosity and fear. I know that I'm not the only minor on myspace and I want to protect myself.
Drama aside I hope you all are doing well.
всего хорошего!