not using my typing quirk here because its important!!!
do not interact if:
your under 13, you can add me but please don't message me it makes me uncomfy!
over 18, same rules apply here! comments ext. are fine as log as its not sexual/flirting, general things like "thanks for the add" and such are a-okay though! :)
don't support sfw age regressors/littles, or don't want them to interact with you, I'm a little and don't want to make you uncomfy.
nsfw littles, it makes me uncomfy im sorry :')
you don't support blm or are against acab (you don't have to believe that all cops are bastards but please be respectful.)
support alm/blue lives matter/trump ext. just don't.
are homophobic transphobic ext. I'm a gay trans person do I have to say more?
are racist, anti-Semetic , ext. (I don't know all the words I apologize but if you are against any minority please don't interact.)
sexist/misogynistic, you make me extremely un-comfy!
don't support neo/xenopronouns. i use them and don't want to argue about how you think they're invalid. just be quiet.
are transmedicalist or truscum. I don't like nor do I respect your opinions.
if you are a pedophile don't fucking interact.
fetishize a sexuality you aren't (women liking gay porn, men like lesbian porn ext. its gross.)
are ablist. just don't interact.