Oh sry. I hope that sounded as evil as possible. wink
But today my evil plan just worked the way I wanted it to.
I created it. Yes it was me. The master brain Slim Shady!
I have deceived you all with my rap power and my coding skills. Its so beautiful to see folks like you with no clue whats going on mwuahahahaaaaa!!
Now to my evil and cruel plan:
I created Corona/COVID-19 in China, because its way cheaper there lol. If you want to set up your evil plan and you are not the richest man as everyone thinks, it is not that easy, but in China. Everyone in China is rich, you know? Haha jk. China is great Cough because everything is created in China.
Now the school where I teach is closed due to this "mistake" I created.
Thats bad. NOT! HAHAAAA.
I can relax and, oof its very cold here huh? Hmm I dont care lol. Ok where was I? Ah yea I can relax and chill @ home for some weeks. Thats soooo good :)
I hope my students understand my plan and are also happy that they can stay at home now. If they dont get it I cant help because I cant heeear them muahahaa!
Maybe cough thats my last blog here.. I feel a little bit sick and i think i need a break.
angeleismywifey | 1584735715000 Ruhe in Frieden Dünner Shady |
gerberbabie | 1584116870000 i'm still at school slim |
bringmeyourcherries | 1584102219000 Oi Slim, can I buy one ounce of Coronavirus. It's for a friend. |