What if someone just bought Mickey Mouse. They just BUY him + he's THEIRS now??? Wouldn't that be unsettling
Not that I'm going 2 do it
But if I DID...... How would I go about it???? Would there be rules or could I just ruin the big cheese's image forever tainted???? No?
Question: If you bought the rights 2 Mickeyus Mousenius (DISNEY TRADEMARKED) + there were also no rules set, what would you do???? What would you make official in the MMCU????
hashida | 1610646776000 I WOULD DO THIS |
Jaden Desmond | 1610649688000 1738 |
The SkullZ | 1610643419000 |
Harrison | 1610636333000 if i bought richard rat i would simply strangle him like homestar simpson and publicly hang him like Mussolini so didny had to DESTROY their DEATH park :) |
Blue Ribbs | 1610604730000 if i buy mickey i make him havea GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
llilywebskateboarder | 1610593868000 Mickey mouse trademark copyright expire soon (•‿•) Disney conglomerate must die |
broski the 50th | 1610592160000 i would buy michael mouse and do the exact same thing disney does; just plaster his rat face everywhere for the moola. Then by the end I'd let him enter... PUBLIC DOMAIN! |
Tyler | 1610583430000 Why would you want to but Nicky mouse |