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scenecoric's Blog

"HEY BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Gender Fluid
69 years old
United States
Last Login: 1624507646000
Contacting scenecoric
All Blogs (5/10)

im dshaddow the hregh-0g

jmhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,u jyumyum

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My ccs! + link to more

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link to some more! https://github.com/myspace93/myspace93.github.io

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man fixations can b weird

im fixated on furbies and like...? why? its so random........ but i thought abt it and, i had a furby boom at really young! attatchment ig!

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man fixations can b weird

im fixated on furbies and like...? why? its so random........ but i thought abt it and, i had a furby boom at really young! attatchment ig!

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you ever just go on the random tag and

yeah thats the post. anyways my keyboard is broken and g and p are snapped off. g has a squisy thing and p has nothin. just straight metal. my laptop screen is also falling off!! this is why i dont like little kids in my room. ive only had this hunk of metal for 3 years, but im in dire need of a new laptop. dear god poor little man :[

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