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10w07's Blog

"If life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade."
18 years old
Last Login: 1624901734000
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alkfdja vent (tw: sewer slide)

I am so fucking frustrated. Not because of anything but because I can barely take care of myself and all my friends are depressed so that makes me depressed cause I try to help them and they just shut me down. WTF am I even supposed to fucking do when my friends all want to fucking kys. I might as well fucking go with them cause I have no other friends. Making friends irl is hard when you barely go out. I want to go out. But I can't cause I have nothing. Ik complaining is useless but when everyone else is just as sad or worse than you, you cant fucking go to them cause if you do it'll just make everything worse. Not only that but my birth giver has done nothing but sit around all day when we got shit to fucking do. She even said she got shit to do and we made a plan and we were ready for life but nooooooooo. God I fucking hate everything. Especially myself. I doubt everything I do to not hurt those that are dear to me, in turn hurting myself by keeping everything in. But it doesn't even matter if they're all going to die young anyways. I'm tired of having everyone I love hurt just because they are existing. I don't want them to hurt.

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updated my twitter

now everything posted there will be lewd and stuff. want some nudes? buy something for me off my wishlist and depending on how much you spend you'll get something ;)


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4 n3w w0rld

Hmm... Thi5 pl4ce i5 int3r35ting. I lik3 4ll th3 435th3tic4 3v3ry0n3 h4s cr34t3d.


P4rk i5 h3r3 t00

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CSS help

Can anyone help figure out how to make the box w the follow and block look like a windows 94 text box?

I think that shit would look dope as fuck but idk how to do it- If anyone wanna help that'd be amazing.

!Trying this shit out

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Hi, our system name is Moss so please call us that

I'm just trying this place out because I can and I want to ajfkls. If you want to ask us questions about our system that's fine, but if you have questions about DID/OSDD I recommend googling it since we're not good at explaining things to others. We do curse a lot as well. Like... way too much. If that's not something you like then sorry, but I am not changing our foul mouth. We're trying this out for fun so we wont hold back our distinct personalities because you're a lil baby.

Links to all my socials

Hope everyone has a good day/evening/night

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