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beautiful-lies's Blog

Trans Male
101 years old
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might start using dis acc again uhh

???maybe?????? im more active on my new acc: sparkledog kotok0 lol
i might change up this accs theme

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read befor u add pllz >-<

hi please dont add me if your acc is tied to k/rk/rt and/or his dancestor, d/ve strid/r, and just homestuck in general
btw, they r my trigger characters bc of trauma and dont ask about my trauma or i will block u /srs
seeing them can ause me 2 break down
also dont add me if your mp3 is k/rkalici/us or GFDI - broadway k/rk/t pl3ase !

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gushing abt my fav characterz

chiaki nanami
shez just so pretty and just so,, nice,, i relate 2 her alot thatz why shez the center of my page. shez so special 2 me, soso special she lightz up my day every time i see picturez of her and it breakz my heart when ppl make fun of her or call her a bad character and sure, i know some1 who heavily dislikez chiaki bc she remindz them of some1 they dont like, thatz fine but just disliking her bc shez a "bad" character or "boring" character iz heart breaking. shez gotten me though so much, and if she waz real, i would thank her so much bc shez so comforting. everything abt her iz so comforting 4 me. i love her so so much :)!
kokoro tsurumaki
ok where do i start, kokoro iz the best character that haz come in2 my life. shez the biggest comfort 4 me, ive edited her so many timez and i have so many picturez of her in my phone, shez my lock screen and home screen and on my enj bandori acc my name iz "gay 4 kokoro☆" i think abt her so much, my twitter iz centered around her, shez been such a comfort in my horrible life, shez helped me overcome my shyness and be more social like kaede did but itz so much more effective. shez helped so many of her friendz like kanon, she helped kanon overcome her shyness and i appreciate her so much 4 that. i alwayz wish the best 4 her i alwayz do bc of everything shez done 4 every1 and she deservez so much in her life and i hope she getz what she wantz. and shez made so many ppl, including me, smile till their cheekz hurt. and if u havent smiled 2day or ur sad, kokoro will help you be happy and smile wide!
hajime hinata
ill start off my saying that hez my actual husband. we r happily married, ok but in all seriousness, hajime haz alwayz had a special place in my life and hez helped me through so much and hez 1 of the few reasonz im still alive. it may sound stupid ik but fiction doez indeed affect reality it wayz that can change a person so much, and alot of the time itz 4 the better. when im contemplating klling myself i think of hajime and what so would say and react 2 me dead in front of him and stop myself from doing it. hez a huge emotional support character 4 me and haz helped me by just existing and i have 2 thank him 4 that. i rlly do. just like kokoro if he waz real i would thank him so many timez 4 helping me through so much. i hope he knowz how much i wanna just hold him in my armz and i also want him 2 cuddle me while i rest on hiz chest in front of a fireplace. ily hajime hinata o///o

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