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Star's Blog

"Enjoy your time."
14 years old
United States
Last Login: 1616017577000
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Very basic CSS (Background and blurbs).

Simple background.

Setting a background with CSS is very simple.
Just paste the text below into your CSS text box and edit the URL and size to your liking.

body {
background-image: url(url goes here);
background-size: 1920px 1080px;
background-repeat: repeat-y;

Write an image URL in the parenthesis, and write dimensions of the image in "background-size: SIZEpx SIZEpx;"

You can either make the background repeat on the X or Y axis depending on what you write for it.

"background-repeat: repeat-y;" for the Y axis (up to down) and "background-repeat: repeat-x;" for the X axis (left to right).

To change your blurb color paste the following into the CSS text box.

.blurbs {
color: blue;

You can make the color whatever you want, you can also replace the color with a hex code for more options. ex.

.blurbs {
color: #34ebd5;

If you're wanting to make blurbs have a background you can add one the same way you added a background to your page.

.blurbs {
color: #34ebd5;
background-image: url(paste a url here);

adding "background-size: contain;" ex:

.blurbs {
color: #34ebd5;
background-image: url(paste a url here);
background-size: contain;

will fit the image into the background, but sometime it doesn't always fit well, for best results change the size yourself.

If you want any more help or any of this confuses you, don't be afraid to message me!