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fr0gpuk3's Blog

"im gonna shit my pants desu "
15 years old
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carefully cut out each of the components that make up this person and put them all in a bag.
shake gently.
next, take out each cutting one after the other.
reassemble conscientiously in the order in which they left the bag.
the person will resemble you.
and there you are—an infinitely original murderer of charming sensibility, even though unappreciated by the vulgar herd.

reflective fluids do arduous work by buying all shorts, dresses, trousers, and skirts; all noses, roses, eyebrows, and cheeks from the masses of egomaniacs so willing to sell that they'll secure the purchase by locking eyes with those sad, eager beads. once, perhaps, purple threads, now bleached cotton drinking glass from the smallest plastic bottles. i'm neither, nor am i heracles, only the color of my wretched flesh and its irregularities made grotesque by a god of the same nature. i, no greater than any mass, sell myself when given the opportunity, but that is what one must when the location of the next reflective fluid is unknown.

cranberry juice and sparkling water fizzle passionately, i cherish the taste of their metallic sweetness sitting on the floor while spiders try to fizzle with me but shrivel in the rain. it unzips as if made to, fingers easily find the slot machine lever as if made to, pull enough times and it's sure to happen. 777! you induced the jackpot for the first time in quite a while! play with your food, or the semblance of it. this must be someone's paraphilia, perfect little scene for some sort of deviant.
i've only ever been to one casino, it smelled strongly of cigarettes; the car i was in some time ago, it, too, smelled strongly of them. una cajetilla visible solo para aquellos que se sientan detrás, un hombre con cáncer de pulmón, desgraciados ojos disfrazados descansando en su sufrimiento.

ella no se ve desvestida en el espejo, pero yo sí veo a la burguesita despojada y recostada indecentemente en el aroma a holanda nueva y violeta. duendes desean besarla dormida, no diferimos. duendes queman granos de opio en su honor, no diferimos. en mi mente y en la suya únicamente velas de esperma, burguesita, no diferimos. lirio azul, de medianoche, de pesadez en los parpados, de lo galano y grácil, te venero.
descalzos y en camisa pueden andar sus pensamientos diurnos, en vestidos de seda potenciadores de su diafanidad los nocturnos, ambos anhelo desnudar. yo canto el himno en loor al movimiento de sus faldas, lo que acaricia como la mano de un amante yo seré. si se debe desgarrar, si se debe chafar, si se debe arrugar, si debe haber sombra, si en todo ataúd deben hormiguear y morder los gusanos, permítanos sufrir los inevitables males en par, en un bonito, pero efímero, par. lirio enfermo, de almendras, de hilo y botones, te veré en nuestro sombrío rendezvous.

i own pretensions and imbecility. i keep them in a music box. i do not own the music, for it's prohibited. if i were to give them away i'd hear the silence. a young girl commits suicide. because of what?

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