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TheWitch's Blog

"Remember to drink water and be respectful!"
18 years old
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The light from the open window shown down on the crystal blue water in the glass bowl that sat on the white marble pedestal in front of me. I took a step forward towards it, my eyes glued to the water as it shimmered in the light. The light shining through the water and glass bowl casted rainbow fractals of light all over the small room. I carefully placed my hand above the bowl, hovering over the water in the sunlight and casting a shadow.
All I need to do is think, 'Show me, I must know' and let the magic happen. Literally. The water began to ripple under my hand before a spot began to glow, growing till all the water in the bow was glowing and the room was filled with a teal light. I had to squint and force my eyes to remain open, because I know if I wasn't watching the spell would crumble and I wouldn't get to see what the oracle had to show me.
I felt my hand grow cold, almost numbing as if freezing in the winter with no gloves for warmth, yet the center of my palm began to feel hot. I tried my best not to pull my hand away, wait until the feeling left or the light dulled again, but it grew too overwhelming for me to handle and I pulled back, stumbling away from the pedestal with a small yelp and holding my wrist with my other hand as to not touch the area in pain.
When I looked at my hand the feeling of hot and numbing cold were both gone, and in place was a rune at the center of my palm. The water in the bowl stopped glowing and the room was back to being filled with fractured light. The rune on my hand looked like an s with extra lines.
"I should have payed attention to Sir. Hendricks' when he taught the class about runes..." I muttered with a sigh, closing my hand over the rune in my hand. I'll have to decipher it later.
If I hadn't pulled away I might have seen what the oracle wanted to show me, now I'm left with a rune and no context...
If the oracle wont tell me how I can save the school...What options do I have left? Time is running thin...

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