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taki's Blog

"you fear death, but you don't live life"
18 years old
Last Login: 1624828091000
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All Blogs (8/10)

\\ hufflepuff magic

You've probably seen the magic on my page with the randomized image on refresh.
Here I guess I'll try to explain how I did that since some people asked.

So, I'm hosting my own web server https://taki.moe/
on there, I have a little php script, that randomizes the image/gif on refresh… and that's basically it.

If you'd like, you can copy that link above to have the same images as I do. :)
(I'd just like a short mention tho, but it's fine if u don't)

(I am not sure if hosting their own web server for images like this is not allowed on myspace.
I'm not collecting any data with it. Please warn me immediately if hosting their own website for images isn't allowed.)

For those who have their own web server as well, you can get the php code from here:

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