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XXroadk1llXX's Blog

"ello beans! I'm Cipher XD"
13 years old
United States
Last Login: 1617153329000
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XD // T r a n s g e n d e r // UwU

      HI! XD I'm Cipher and I'm a transgender middle schooler. I found out I was trans when I was in the 4th grade. I thought mayb I was just a v v v v masc lesbian from 4th-6th. But in the 7th grade, I found out I was TRANSSSSSSS :DDDD after a long year of stressing about if I was nonbinary of trans, I finally feel comfortable, and happy :D I'm so glad I was able to find myself and tell my (very unsupportive) PARENTS. If anybody else is going through confusing times atm, or your parents are cold and don't accept you...

                           Come to me. I'm your dad now, let's go to party city later kiddo :D

I love AND accept you. have a great day bean UwU

-love D A D

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