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kdsdutmars's Blog

"i'm a fraud"
16 years old
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I'm just out of psych ward tw suicide

hi i have to go back to school tomorrow i feel like i'm just an huge failure and i'm between moments of "idgaf i don't need school anyway" and "i'm a fucking mistake i should have commited unalive long ago". Going back to school even after missing 3 weeks and spending the 2 weeks vacations in a mental hospital is kinda hard,even if the excuse seem legit and valid i just think i'm a fraud. Maybe i'm depressed and that's why i fail everything and everyone but peraps i'm just a lazy son of a bitch. I feel like shit, i need to transcend my obligations to achieve a better may of living but everybody knows i'm too dumb to do anything , whether this or just succeding at school. It did nothing expect coming out to my family, i'm as miserable as before, as empty as before, this emptyness i curse because in any way again i feel like i want to kill myself or someone, or doing shit until it takes my life. And yet, i have social and academic obligation even if i already am a failure. April 23rd is my birthday, i'll be 17, yet i always thought i'll die before my 13th birthday. It's not this long ago but i'm still a child even if i lived like a piece of shit during almost 10 years. I'm wasting it and i cannot take my loved ones guilty for secretly hating me. Anyway, i'm officially mentally ill.

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8 days until i go and i'm in class

I just fucked 2 tests in 2hours an i hate it here. I have one last test this morning i hope i don't fuck up this one but even when i do my best it's seen as the opposit or not even took in count.

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I'm at my grandparent's place

i just hope no one would suspect a tobbaco smell, and that i will finish my homework in time.

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Yesterday night i drank weed

Yes i made weed tea, only problem to "extract" the thc u need fat, so u have to put butter in ur water an made the thing boil for 30 to 40 mn, and that's alot of time. But the thing was worth it omg i was so high, it was awesome.

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