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m3110dy's Blog

"Strangers? Darling I only know shadows."
17 years old
United States
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People who like the group that has been mentioned I just want to bring to your attention something that could be possibly happening I’m not saying that it is happening as I am saying that it is possibly happening. And that is the members of this group bullying this member named Sunoo. And the way they are doing it is constantly bringing up him gaining weight which I feel is something that they should be pointing out there is a girl who actually explains it and shows some screenshots of them constantly talking about it and it is concerning how many screenshots there are.

I bring this to your attention so people can point out I’m not saying you know anything really malicious I’m just saying like you know this could possibly be an issue since bullying is a big thing in Korea and it’s kind of bullying in Lee there and no one‘s doing anything about it. I am bringing this up to bring this to your attention because it looks like as if they are constantly talking about his weight and if they are they are going to make that kid have an ED. This is something that we do not want or we do not need to have we don’t need it that kid already has a health condition and with an ED that could possibly make it even worse.

Now I am somebody who was never really a fan of the lineup I am somebody who doesn’t really like one of the members in the group because I get a bad vibe and now hearing this is a possibility and it’s kind of obvious and blatant and it’s even there I am getting a whole bad vibe from the entire group. I am saying this because if they make they could have an ED I am personally going to Korea and whopping them all at myself because I will not stand for that I don’t understand for bullying I don’t do that.

As I said before there is a girl who talks about it and I screenshot of it there was a girl or person who had screenshots on Twitter but it is currently unavailable and you can’t even have access to it at the moment. And if you do watch the girls video she simply states that you know she doesn’t stay in a group she you know she doesn’t really mess with this with the group she just wants to bring it to your attention because she’s kind of concerned she’s really concerned of this coming out and being bad.

Because I know as we have all seen the AOA incident with that one member and the other member how one of the members almost done alive themselves because of the bullying now we don’t need that happening because that kid is only 17 and dealing with this we don’t need that. And when I went to Twitter to look at the thread because I really like a thread so I just wanted to see you know you have the evidence more of the screenshots and I could even get to it but I did see a lot of the fans of this group EN-HYPHEN Bullying this person for the thread and wishing them like the worst day ever which I have heard of toxic foxy is why I never really witnessed it I’ve seen things here and there I just never really witnessed it and I was disgusted I’m like they’re just bringing this up till your attention this is possible could starting this is really concerning and you’re just brushing it off at some bullying them you know or just try to make the group look bad.

This isn’t the case and like I said I was honestly disgusted with what the people were saying about the person who brought up the thread and you know some people are like oh well you know the group really loves him and things like that well if they did and they wouldn’t really say the stuff constantly I can’t stand they said it once with her saying it constantly and that’s concerning and I don’t like that. Before I end this Ted talk I do want to bring up this point that we need to all be questioning ourselves like if an idol is brought up in a blink scandal and there is no proof and you notice how they get banned from this and that until they are proven innocent but versus started bleeding bullying in his heart so obvious but nothing is done let’s talk about that let’s talk about how that is handled

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