I'm gonna keep this blog as a personal account, the other account is @bunnyparade and will be a more public account. please go see that one instead of this one
No Commentso kanye hooked up with jeffree star, georgia turned blue, and white supremacist terrorists attempted a coup.
welcome to 2021 hoes.
No Commentso google services are down and i can't do any of my work atm!!!! i also can't go on youtube bc that's down too so uhhhhhh this is my source of entertainment for a bit lmao
No Commentidk how to tell my parents i use she/they pronouns. they understand and are accepting of different pronouns but they don't know that i use them too. ughhhhhhh i wish i didn't have to tell them anything
No Commenti literally hate feeling like i have to present with a gender like why can't i just vibe
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