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Adminn_1 [NEFX]'s Blog

"If anything can go wrong, it will inherit the"
28 years old
United States
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Deviants and Adherents


Notions of criminality and madness as are fed to us by the Blightgeist amount generally to that which cannot be bought off with the exchange mediums that the Blightgeist (or at least one of its subsystems or manifestations) sanctions. Moreover, such widespread notions are necessary for the sustained antagonisms that help drive the Blightgeist, which needs the fight against criminality and madness more than their absence. The regular Erosive agent most admires the one who can thwart the laws of the system it abides by while enforcing them on the rest, for such a one is the supreme cudgeler, and thereby lays bare their aim without consequence. Erosive agents aspire to the thwarting of the very law that they in the meantime stand by, believing that they may become the ultimate thwarter and thus ultimate cudgeler by following in the steps of whoever is the ultimate of both in the present, venerating and supplicating before said ultimate figure, and vanquishing the latter's enemies. They don’t realize the futility of this enterprise in that the ultimate cudgeler (and thus ultimate Erosive agent) only spares this particular agent insofar as they are expedient for the time being as one of its countless tentacles.

That the venerator may do similarly if in the ultimate Erosive agent’s position is besides the point. Whosoever creates or abides by a rigid schema of worth according to notions of pre-fixed, pre-destined Being (and it bears mentioning that to a degree all who abide by it necessarily are dogmatic about their own subjective nuanced interpretations of it that they hold to be universal by very nature of the general thoughtform that abides by it) inevitably views those that rank lower with contempt, and only permits the latter’s continued existence and nourishment for their use in the ultimate Erosive agent’s long-term blood-soaked enterprise. The ultimate Erosive agent cannot have a world only of vaunted followers or of codified enemies, but rather a world of actual enemies placed into categories of “open” and “hidden”. Supplication before this figure belies an active fear of vanquishment by it (mainly in terms of validity of existence as they are wont to deny to others) and resultant resentment towards it that is then sublimated by vain obedience to it, not realizing the ultimate Erosive agent’s true nature as an ultimate vanquisher of every Other (for the Other is all else).

Many Blightgeist subjects seek culturally calculable, codifiable worth in the shadow of the ultimate Erosive agent through institutional measurement, be it so malleable and arbitrary throughout the ages; and since culture and its subjects are in a feedback loop, funneling of thought and behavior by Blightgeist subjects towards the values and dictates of institutional measurement creates new societal effects that in turn warp the “natural”, “inevitable”, “enduring-for-a-reason”, etc., laws of being and human value. Thoughts and actions are evaluated and carried out by subjects not according to natural interfacing with their environment or universe, or for their intrinsic value; but rather to an external end that is legally and socially mandated not just out of fear of punishment, but out of fear of invalidity of being-as-such that would be revealed by failure to adhere. To this end, deviance or so much as mere indifference to the scheme constitutes criminality. The creation of conditions that warrant commonly classified “criminal acts” only lay bare who can and cannot perform them. The third party to “high” and “low” performers of codified “crimes” are a mere part of this sociopathic schema; a different form of Chess piece, if you will, in a foul and ultimately self-defeating play that gains its reputation of “genius” only for the fact of its not yet having met defeat in the far greater time scale of human history and social tides.

As a corollary, however, the adherent of the ultimate Erosive agent subconsciously resents the latter, for the world of

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