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14 years old
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Contacting PUNK_MUTT
All Blogs (2/10)


My parents are sleeping in different rooms again. It's like the second time in the past six months too. It doesn't have anything to do with covid though, they never stopped working because they're both essential. I don't know what happened but my dad was probably pissed off about money or something even though there's no real reason to be upset about that. I mean one time he was super upset about money he saw get spent, like he was there at the walmart with all of us. Idk. It's usually my dad's fault, he's just kinda mean like that.

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God neurotypicals piss me off. Bitch how do you just eat food with a bunch of different textures! Why do you feel the need to treat me like I'm stupid or lesser than you or like I'm broken! I'm a human being and I'm not broken nor is there anything wrong with me.
My mom is the worst. I have no idea how you grow up with two neurodivergent people and come out the other side so fucking ableist. Sorry that I'm not neurotypical and that I function differently. It's not my fault that this world doesn't cater to people like me and almost actively goes out of it's way to make shit harder for us.

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