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McFlurryFlur's Blog

"Make Pasta, Not War!- Italy from Hetalia"
17 years old
United States
Last Login: 1586577043000
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did i use "BTW" right? i am sorry i am not native english speaker, i am from Norway, living in the USA. tbh,( i do not know if i used "tbh" right) i scared to come here because of the stereotype that Americans very rude, fat, and stupid, but they are actually really nice and well educated. As for the fat stereotype, i have not seen any people who are fat, most of the people here are in good shape, or does it depend where i live. i am currently living in Texas, I think the stereotypes are not accurate!

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Is this real?

soooo is this myspace thingy real or not, did this website generate random users, or are people actually active on here? like you had to search windows 93, go to cat explorer and make an account and all.

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