That man at the supermarket that offered me some milk.
That man what has the realistic halloween decorations
That man what has long conversations with his dog
That woman what lives in my house as my roommate
The lady from the movie who had the big music notes
coming out from her mouht it was really scary I didn't
Like it at all
This one prick who like kept being a dick to me and throwing tantrums if I ever fought back, complete prick
Me (I am creepy)
You (Do not worry!)
Us (Together, forever!)
Smothering (With chlorophorm)
Styrofoam Scary
That woman what tried to sell me fruit...
The dog monster thing from The Neverending Story
The dragon puppet in Baby Einstein who comes on screen and kinda smirks at me but then it does the ABCs and then it cuts back to this dragon man and he turns over to me and suddenly he goes "Blah!" and I saw it when I was young and it scared me out of my mind like seriously dude it's so unexpected I do not like it I still can't watch it. My mom put it on a bit ago as a joke and it is so scary. I liked the one with the castle, though. It had this cool octopus puppet and it was all like
The Grey Tied man what's in that one band
My friend says he's transphobic. If that's true then it sucks.