My CSS g0t rEsEt and iDk h0w t0 f1x iT aNd i'm t00 lAzy t0 r3make it espEcially cUz i d0nt usE th1s aS mUch aNym0re s0 uH yEah thAt sUckZ anD iM mAd n0w >:(
emovampire | 1609217014000 nAh itZ 0k, i cAN jUzt tRy 2 rEm3ke iT. tHankZ 4 tHe 0ffer th0!! |
Xx_b4ssb01_xX | 1608664605000 oh noooo!! if you want, you can copy mine and tweak it maybe??? |
zketra | 1608533451000 bruh |
llilywebskateboarder | 1608525811000 You should really put your css in a Google document, That way you can keep it regardless. -llily Ps. Don't talk like that People that don't speak English can't understand that |
pepsinext2012 | 1608508032000 rip |