Alright folks time has come for this blog. Although I access this website on my personal computer I'm going to be very busy this summer and I might not be as active as I am currently. I'll try my best to keep in touch with all of you though! The normal inactivity for me is 1-2 days, but I'm assuming sometimes during the summer it will be longer than a week. I wish I could link socials but I hate to say that I don't have any except my tiktok which is a crumby way to keep in touch. I'll try and get on whenever I may have time because I LOVE YOU ALL SM <33 (I know I sound 10 shut up) Mainly though I want to apologize; To whom I have promised that I would be here to support you and listen to whenever you need to vent. I understand that panic attacks happen in the moment and so do some intrusive thoughts and me not being there to help at the time that it's happening might not be much help at all so I'm truly sorry. I will still listen and support you even if it's not in the moment I'll try my best to help you, once again I truly apologize.
I hope you all have an amazing summer^^!
(if you've already seen this blog it's because the news tab likes to delete my blogs off of the feed just to piss me off)
TheHungryPumpkin | 1623761598000 have a nice summer, stay safe and have fun! |
sailorniam_ | 1622350685000 aw, no, it's alright if you won't be as active as much, i'm sure we all understand now that you (have) mentioned it! well, have a nice summer anyways! |
SaltySlush | 1622140707000 awww, well i hope you have a nice summer!! |
Takukijiri Katoto | 1622076094000 Have a nice summer tho, it might be better than mine |
koolaidman | 1622083581000 Kool-aid Man will miss you, |
Bagelz™ | 1622120211000 aw bestie dw, I hope you have a great summer btw <33 |
Gay_Thot | 1622070272000 Oh no :((....have a nice summer, ml <33 |