1 d0nt hav3 a l0t 0f kand1 1 kn0 '-w-
Xx_mariah_xX | 1607182832000 They look so cool omg , TALENT !!!! |
koala71783 | 1607109283000 prety |
leech | 1607106654000 all u g0tta d0 1z buy p0ny b3adz and str1ng, th3n l00k up sum tut0r1alzz 0n utub3!!! X3 th3 tuts ar3 r3ally 3azy 2 f0ll0w s0 u w0nt hav3 any troubl3 <33 |
Annanguyen | 1607106419000 I FREAKING WANT ONE BUT IDK HOW TO MAKE ITTT |
awkward.violence | 1607106277000 that's so cool! |
leech | 1607105404000 1 just b0ught a bunch 0f b3ads at targ3t, there w3r3 only packs 0f 250 th0 s0 1t waz k1nda 3xp3ns1v3 'o^o but u can g3t b1g packs 0f th3m at craft st0r3z X33 just n0t h0bby l0bby bcuz th3yr3 bad :(( |
danganronpa | 1607105204000 wh3r3 did y0u find th3 b34ds and th3 0th3r things f0r it?? |
leech | 1607105222000 y3s 1t 1z a mask XDD 1t k1nda cut 0ff th0 >~< |
danganronpa | 1607105158000 :o is th4t a m4sk in th3 first ph0t0?? it l00ks s0 c00l! /srs |