two weeks. its been two fucking weeks of trying to get a debit card working.
i try and sign up online and i dont have all of the weird details to hand to sign up with so it resets my session constantly. last step was sending in pictures and then i had to wait like another four days, to then get a useless email telling me they will be sending emails and letters. another week or so passes and i have the card and some other letters.
i try to login online cause i have to, so they send a text to my phone with a password and of course my phone chooses then to get an allergic reaction to turning on. another two hours of fucking with my phone and it finally turns on.
i got to the page, put in the final password thing... aaaaand... the website tries to reset my session? or it just breaks? or something weird... it sends me back to the login page. so then i spend about 20 mins getting told my 100% correct details are wrong when they arent, but then the fucking website just decides "haha no fuck you" and tells me it can't log me in with those details and ushers me towards the "i forgot my login details" another couple of mins pissing around with that and it tells me "lol no you already have your details, silly!".
bear in mind its about 2:30 am and my parents are sleeping. at this point i just flip and screw up the letters they sent, almost punch my monitor and knock around some furniture but im a good boy and dont. instead i fling the ball of letters at my monitor and try not to scream.
im just a bit done now.
pepsinext2012 | 1608609104000 rip |