I finally got my first clandestine hoodie! they're so expensive these days, especially in the uk, so when I saw this one on ebay for £50 I just had to get it.
https://66.media.tumblr.com/0c6828406c9c258464aa99daa004044d/eb296a948a5dd449-73/s540x810/21b6504153a5242deb08ad97cf5fd84032d26453.jpg https://66.media.tumblr.com/2259529a1e069cf309b6993fa2be2158/eb296a948a5dd449-df/s540x810/be3f5a445ac2d7645b905558935a702b798a51fd.jpg
Because it costs so much I won't actually get it until christmas because its gonna be my christmas present but I love it anyway.
I tried it on and did a quick inspection when it first arrived and heres a few things I noticed: