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cookie's Blog

"know that everything will be ok and just enjoy"
13 years old
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message 1

I play lots of people, so what one is me? when so many people can leave, can stay, they must know I don't ever stick to one person, how i act doesn't just change but my feelings and thoughts, i am writing this as the me that thinks she's the real one, no she's not, i am the real one, and if i want to be mister hot old cook man who likes young women and is 87 years old THEN GOD DAMMIT I WILL BE LIKE THAT, but i am needy and have always hated talking about feelings so that won't change... oh and i can get serious, just say cookie please stop and then i will stop joking and betrending to be someone, ok if you couldn't tell im bored and well....yer this could all be fake and I'm not bothered to tell you the truth;)

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~hat baes~

pats your head it's ok I can give you huggies >:D
