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"Ran by Monika, Sans and Dukebox"

7 years old
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Song: What Kind of Beast is That

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About me:

Q: What is King for a Gay 2?
A: KFAG 2 is a continuation of vavr fansub: King for a Gay, created and ran by the same people. It is not associated or endorsed by VvvvvaVvvvvvr.

Q: What is a tournament?
A: "King for a Day" was an event on the ripping channel SiivaGunner where viewers vote for characters in a bracket based on what sources they like the most, with arrangements in between matches. This concept sparked many works with the same basic concepts, including vavr fansub: King for a Gay and King for a Gay 2.

Q: What is the prize?
A: A fusion collab! Probably some bonus stuff on the day but not a full takeover.

Q: Is there a losers bracket?
A: Yes! They all deserve second chances.

Q: How can I help?
A: Submit arrangements! Join our discord or check out the Google Form in the links section.

Discord: https://discord.gg/8QFwWsN
Tier List: https://tiermaker.com/create/king-for-a-gay-2-roster-44854
Submit Music: https://forms.gle/7DZmbMvMYNegHXPM8

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