"sh3/th3y :3" Non-binary
15 years old
United States
Last Login:
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Hi!! im ali, im really into music, politics, tru3 crim3, and art! im also always 3xtr3mely bor3d so int3rnet fri3nds ar3 always welcom3 :3
som3 o my favorit3 artist ar3 bikini kill ch3mical romanc3msubhumans slipknot pi3rc3 the v3il falling in r3v3rs3 misfits crass and anti flag! I love films and analyzing movi3s ;P so3 of my favorit3 movi3s ar3
sup3r dark tim3s 3dward scissor hands jok3r (the n3w on3) slipknot th3 3xorsist hous3 of 1000 corps3s and
sw33n3ytod. i sp3nd a lot of tim3 watching horror films or tru3 crim3 docs! im a l3ftist commi3 and im always looking for n3w th3roy sugg3stions:-)
Thanks 4 the add!