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"Only unwanted actions are truly impossible."

13 years old
United States
Last Login:
Song: Twenty-One-Pilots-We-Dont-Believe-Whats-On-TV

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Rasonar's blurbs

About me:

I am very enthusiastic with social media and such things. Sometimes I like going out to do stuff, and guess what? I created my account off Windows 93. Apparently Jankenpopp based Myspace completely off of it. Weird, right? I don't know why anyone would do such a strange thing, but hey, it's his site, not mine.

Who I'd like to meet:

If I am to make friends with people across the internet, then be my guest. The people I'm looking to be friends with are extroverted and have an innate sense of things. Also, I want people who like video games as much as I do. If you meet those requirements, then here's a warm welcome into my friends list! I hope we can maybe meet in person one day. Side note: Absolutely no weebs in my friends list! If you're a furry, well that's fine, but absolutely no weebs.

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Thanks 4 the add!
