"//!'m a walk!ng dumpster f!re-" Male
14 years old
United Kingdom
Last Login:
1609938039000 |
//H! there-
//!f ! f!nd out you're a nonce !'ll curb stomp your head !n-
//Yes !'m a part of the lgbtq+ but !t k!nda !sn't your fuck!ng bus!ness to know wh!ch one ! am when were pract!cally complete strangers unless you w4nn4 d4te me for some fucked re4son-
//!'m also a d!rty homestuck so !f you l!ke homestuck please be fr!ends w!th me because none of my friends actually know what !t !s-
//Eat the fuck!ng r!ch and acab, Jeff Bezos can suck my tentabluge d!ck appendage-
//Cr!nge culture !s fuck!ng dead and !f I see you making fun of a k!d cause they're scene !n 2020 ! won't hes!tate-
//Also ! don't know how to use css for sh!t-
//!'m pol!sh too but ! can't wr!te !t for sh!t so sorry-
//Anyone who can put up w!th my bullsh!t-
homestuck needs to be ruined
thankz for the add!!! i just started reading homestuck, it's sooper gud so far <3
thanks for the add! https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/AhQH9OPxOARsuDIkSAl6-caiaa9oJv4X7CENB67qwzk/https/i.pinimg.com/originals/30/03/ae/3003aefaa9b26aff873871ce18ff7e74.gif
Thanks 4 the add!