here's a shitty picture of my new My Chem poster! Its in this frame I found in the basement since I WILL NOT put any holes in this or use tape on it since its like 20 years old lol. I bought this poster (along with a Pencey Prep poster, just don't have another frame since I cant get another one due to le plague) from the founder of Eyeball Record Alex on eBay! Its an unused show promo poster! Alex has stamped the back so it can be proven genuine since people before me have scanned the posters and tried to sell them as genuine which is AN EXTREMLY SHITTY THING TO DO. Especially since all profits from the sales go to families in need (along with the fact that these people are not the original artists and are making profit from someone else’s work). In the future I plan to buy more show posters (and maybe a t shirt one day) from him as I’m really into old My Chem merch & things related to My Chem (such as the other bands the members were in before, ex. Pencey Prep). Though I probably wont for a while since I'm trying to get a the “Soccertown USA” CD by The Rodneys (band Ray Toro was in before MCR) and I am STRUGGLING.
llilywebskateboarder | 1610202411000 Nice poster |