it's been 3 years where the hell is it
i'm absolutely sick of checking if there are new nintendo directs, only to be disappointed at the end
StarsWink | 1622859022000 I 100% agree with your comment, it's everything a person could want. No, no. it's everything a person needs, without Bayonetta 3 we will perish. |
samsara | 1622786000000 bayonetta isn't just a game. it is a cultural reset, the oxygen you breathe, it's a lifestyle, an escape from this cruel world filled with thieves, it's art, a hug from a loved one, everything you’ve ever wanted |
StarsWink | 1622775887000 It should be illegal for them not to release Bayonetta 3 by now. Bayonetta is a way of life, it's my oxygen. |