Why is Myspace93 becoming twitter93 with all those exposed and hate account? Am not defending any of the person that are being acused of anything because idk the bg of the story nor do i know the person. Am just really confused as why. This is a myspace clone this don't have to be as dramatic as the real myspace was. tbh I don't even understand why this is happening in the first place.
Tyler | 1615010586000 Yea, if the whole canceling keeps going here, I fear the site may not have much longer to survive |
Purple | 1615023734000 I think twitter93 is an accurate description of the current myspace. If this site is used like a real sns, users will start fighting and talking behind each other's backs just like twitter. This is a sad ending. |
trkyle | 1615035875000 well there has been a flux of twitter users a few months ago but that probably has no correlation |