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leech's Blog

"sw4g f4g budd13zzz!!!!1!!1 <3333"
Gender Nonconforming
101 years old
Last Login: 1618243592000
Contacting leech
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my pr0n0unz <33

gonna type normal bcuz there's a lot to type :3
they- it/eel/rat/2D/?
them- it/eel/rat/2D/?
theirs- its/eels/rats/2Ds/?s
themself/theirself- itself/eelself/ratself/2Dself/?self
"oh, rat? it left earlier"
"eel is going to do the project eelself"
"it doesnt want to go"
"2D ate with 2Dself"
"? is really cool! i love the way ? dresses ?self"
what neopronounz r:
neopronouns r basically pronouns other than he/she/they!! a lot of neurodivergent ppl use them because we experience different gender dysphoria, and need neopronouns to feel connected with our gender!!! but, anyone can use neopronouns, as long as they're respectful X3 if u see anyone using things like acab/acabself or hit/ler, those are obviously trolls and u should not interact with them. if u want to kno more, plz do ur own research :33 its and no i do NOT want to argue about my pronouns or if theyre valid... ur getting blocked if u do that
what im comfortable with:
-they(if u dont know my pronouns yet)
-queen/sis/ma'am ONLY if it is meant in an ironic way
-other cool neopronouns
what im NOT comfortable with:
-theydy/gentlethem(DO NOT USE PLZZ)
-they/them(as a replacement for boy or girl in statements like "go they/them go")
-handsome/beautiful(use amazing or cute instead)
-wife/husband(or anything along those lines, use something like comrade instead)

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