I'll go first :)
it's been pretty tough for, honestly a couple of months, I have no motivation to do anything, I'm always so tired, I binge eat constantly. I went back to in-person school and had to switch back to online school because my anxiety was so bad about 2 months ago. My grandma just died of covid yesterday afternoon :( I wish I could just go back in time and spend more time with her.
OK, that was a lot, but I said it cause this a safe space and I want you to feel comfortable enough to vent to me. I don't know you, you don't know me, so let's talk. What has been on your mind? Are you okay? It's okay not to be okay. Remember that this is a safe space and you can trust me. We can talk about anything that you want to, so go ahead, vent, and I will listen to you.