-Eat a raw potato bc it looks like an apple slice
-Punt a baby across the room(Need to find a baby for that)
-Put hand in sizzling oil
-Bite my cheeks until a hole appears
-Do my makeup specifically make me look like a clown
-Cry over my big attachment to part3 JJBA characters and their deaths
-Cry over Homestuck
-Punch a hole in my wall
-Write a fanfic and post it to Wattpad
-Redecorate my page for the 3rd time within 4 days
pinterestwhore | 1613145645000 all of them are acceptable and relatable besides the homestuck one :l |
manic_kusuo | 1613106965000 As soon as you said "put hand in sizzling oil" you reminded me of James from teotfw lol |