Today in my school it is early valentines day. so, as a tribute to all of my beautiful and wonderful friends, I got them each a heart-shaped box of chocolates. I also got a valentine from a friend that was a cute cat hat! How cute! The only thing that has me disappointed though is someone ripped down the LGBTQIA+ poster on the wall. And when I say ripped, I mean ripped. So, I, ..emoprincess.., vow to help you make sure that you're heart doesn't get torn up like that paper was.
-Confess in a private Place
Don'ts (There's a LOT of them)
-confess infront of everybody
-get a giant teddy bear that is too big to fit in their backpack
-say something like "I love You Bitch"
-kiss/touch in public
-kiss/touch without consent
-read a super cheesy pickup line/poem
-ask on a cough "date" to your place
-assume that person's sexual orientation fits with yours
-if it doesn't, don't say "I can change you"
-ask out a crush you've never even talked to (get to know them first)
Remember, You can do this!
._Typical...Ash_. | 1613255384000 -w- yep seems about it lol |