Can someone please help me out with css? I just need help with the heading like where you see home, my fwiends, etc. Also I need some help with how to change my cursor.
metanoiafairy | 1613089605000 i can try to help !! msg me ☆ ~('▽^人) |
witchcraft617 | 1613088058000 THANK YOU SO MUCH!! |
Michael Scott | 1613076504000 To edit my page I simply press ctrl + shift + j it will open up the CSS page which you can then use to customize your page using the tool at the very top of the CSS page of an arrow cursor on top of a box. When you hover over it, it should say "Select an element in the page to inspect it". If you cannot (for whatever reason) find the tool, just press ctrl + shift + c and the tool will automatically be selected. |