MY BFS AND MINE PETS!! one of roach females gave birth recently LOOK AT TINY BABIES x333333
AND THAT IS MY BRACHYPELMA BABY HIDING!! everytime im opening its enclosure spider hides in a hole! but i'm not disturbing it too much don't worry o:
aishite | 1608581355000 @cyber.cowgirl TYSM!!! x33 CAN'T WAIT IT TO GROW |
cyber.cowgirl | 1608580540000 OMG I LOVE UR SPIDER |
aishite | 1608581284000 @blamexsociety WHAAA?? /:o i think that's pretty legal! at least in russia o_o when i was living in a small town in siberia someone on my street had a ferret and when they were walkin their pet EVERY KID WAS OUT TO PET THAT POOR FERRET T____T |
blamexsociety | 1608580773000 OMG i kinda wanna house a snake or uh a ferret but my uncle says it's illegal? |