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gangsta mario's Blog

6 years old
United Kingdom
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Contacting gangsta mario
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undewtawe on teh nes weview two

back fwom pwaying da nes vewsion so owo in teh snwoey awea i met good boys and some ice enyemys sad nyo hedgehogs tho..... dewe was a snyowmnya and he wet me take snyow owo! da skeweton bwotha wif teh scawf gave me puzzwes~ i got two teh town and i fighetd teh skewe and dated him owo! teh nyext awea it was watew wike my fuwwy oc owo! i went uwu too gwiwy iwth da hoodeid skewe and scawy fish twied uwu to kiww me owo in da watew awea but wmostew cub saved me den i met uwu dummy wh twied t0 kiwwed me wif a ghost who saved me and cat cawwed temmie and i seww monyey fur cowewge uwu and had uwu uwu to fight fish sea chu owo in nyext weview cus i havent finfished

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