Sexuality is a social construct! Similar to gender, humans created a list of identites/sexulaities to define people based on their sexual attraction to people of a certain gender. The orgins of the words 'homosexual' and 'bisexual' were terms meant to describe a "mental disorder." Well, psychologists know now that people who like the same gender are not suffering from a mental illness, but that they simply are just attracted to what they are attracted to. The stigmatization of being 'homosexual' or 'bisexual' causes the oppression of these people. These oppressors wrongly viewed homosexuality as a sin, or claimed these people were perverts. So, LGBT+ people started to create a community and culture around being who they are, and coping with the backlash they received for their identity. That is why community and labels are so important, because they unite those who were oppressed, belittled, and murdered for being who they are.
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, asexual, straight, omnisexual, demisexual etc. are constructed labels that articulate real feelings, actions or desires. Humans created these terms, but we do not have to fit perfectly into any of them, and we do not have to use any of them if we do not want to! Be comfortable in the label you choose to use or not, it is meant to help you articulate who you are, not what others want you to be <3
koala71783 | 1605205497000 yay i Dont like when people argue about labels and language meaning of these terms as if all the world has to fit into different categories perfectly is just silly |