It all started on Jan 7 2020 when Commit_tree_rope wondered to his fwiend Commit_bullet_head "hey, you see how theirs a lot of trans options in the 'choose your gender' area." "yeah" said Commit_bullet_head "well what if there was a Transformer option in there" said tree_rope "OMG i know just the person who can add that" said bullet_head "who and where?" said tree_rope "the evil wizard TOM" said bullet_head "well lets go their and ask him to add it to the list" said tree_rope "OK" said bullet_head. And so our heroic hero's typed a question to tom on Myspace to add a transformer option to the gender list, and in a few hours later HE ADDED IT! now Commit_tree_rope can sleep happy tonight knowing that "transformer" is a gender on Myspace. And he lived a normal life, for the rest of time. until he died and went to hell for punching a baby in the throat. but besides that it was normal. The end.
Commit_tree_rope | 1580703674000 i didn't even know that was added |
Ghost-in-the-machine | 1580393641000 im responsible for spectre |
Commit_tree_rope | 1578491820000 oh and i noticed the title didn't load all the way but its called THE AMAZING TALE OF DUMB SHITS VOL 1 THIS WILL BE THE ONLY VOL I WILL DO |
Commit_tree_rope | 1578491703000 i hope you enjoyed my dumbass tale of how i put a word in a list thank you |